Why does it take an act of Congress to get meat from local farmers?

I did not know until today how difficult it is for local farmers to sell their meat to local restaurants and businesses.  Federal requirements make it nearly impossible for them to do so.

This is extremely frustrating for several reasons.  First of all, their meat is of a much higher quality than slaughterhouse meat coming from feedlots where cows are fed grain and grain byproducts and shot full of antibiotics and hormones.  And don’t get me started on the pigs.

Secondly, I come from a small town in Nebraska and know how hard those small farmers work, often for little profit.  For our government to tie their hands with onerous federal requirements just to get their meat sold is offensive, especially when there is a growing segment of the population who wants organic, grass-fed beef, and pastured pork.

Finally, most people I know truly want to buy local, and they want to know where their meat comes from.  Let’s make it easy for all of us, not more difficult.

The PRIME Act was recently introduced and will make it easier for local farmers to sell their meat.   Please read this article and support the passage of this Act any way you can.

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