Things I said I’d never do

Last week I was in Chicago for work. It was an amazing week for many reasons, part of which were my experience trying a few things I had resisted in the past.

I went to a spin class for the first time. I had always looked down my nose at spin classes because why would I want to ride a stationary bike indoors when I could ride my own bike outdoors and pick my route, not worry about how the bike fit, see, smell and experience the outdoors…the list goes on. Well, one good reason is because I can’t take my bike on every work trip. Even if I did, I wouldn’t have time to ride it.

I’ll be honest – I would not have gone but for a friend and colleague pushing for me to try it and I gave my word that I would. So a group of girls (5 of us) went together and I have to say it was really fun. The workout was intense, but was as much fun as you could have on a stationary bike while your heart rate goes through the roof for 45 min. If I can find a good class here in Huntington Beach it may be my new weekly workout when I can’t get outside on my bike.

The other new thing I tried (at least the only other one I’m willing to admit to!) was tongue. It was on the menu, so I figured why not. I’ve heard that it is very good for you if you can get over the fact that you are eating TONGUE. It really wasn’t bad – very tender, and did not have a strong taste. I’ve also read that organ meats are very good for you but I’m not quite ready to take that leap…at least not yet.

The downside to the spin class was a saddle sore. I felt it during the week, and after yesterday’s ride it is now a bleeding, oozing saddle sore. So that happened. Should make today’s ride really enjoyable.

Speaking of yesterday’s ride, it was a not-so-fun reminder of the consequences of too little sleep, not so good food choices, and alcohol during the prior week. It was the most painful 39 miles I’ve ridden in a while! I’m sure today will be better. It’s a beautiful morning for a bike ride.

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