New experiment: oil pulling

I first hear of “oil pulling” when I read Bruce Fife’s book, “Stop Alzheimer’s Now,” available for purchase on Amazon.  The idea is to swish coconut oil around in your mouth for 15-20 minutes, spit it out, then brush your teeth immediately.

The major benefits include pulling bacteria and plaque away from your teeth and gums.  Oil pulling also helps polish and whiten your teeth.  Check out this blog for an in depth discussion of oil pulling and the benefits associated with it.

I’ve never had great teeth.  I have a mouth full of aluminum cavities (another no-no discussed by Bruce Fife, but a battle for another day), due to my love of candy as a child and I’m sure my mom would tell you I did not like brushing my teeth as a kid!  I also drink a lot of coffee and iced tea so they tend to yellow quickly.  And with age, come receding gums.  With all of these factors working against me, I decided to try oil pulling and of course talked my husband into doing it with me.

The first time was the weirdest.  After putting a teaspoon of coconut oil into my mouth it immediately started salivating at this “foreign substance” I was swishing around.  The result was mouth full of what felt like grease, combined with increasing saliva, and I was trying hard not to swallow or spit it out.  Yes, my cheeks got sore!  But I made it through 15 minutes and afterwards my teeth felt incredibly clean.  Each time after has gotten much easier.  We are only three days in but see no reason not to continue!

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