Making a comeback

I haven’t been able to ride my bike for 4 weeks.  4 very long, and at times painful, weeks.  It started in January when my gynecologist noticed a mass near my uterus.  It could have been fluid that would resolve itself, or something else.  90 days later I went back to have it checked, and it was something else.  And that something else needed to come out by way of a hysterectomy.

I was not prepared at all mentally for a hysterectomy.  But once I recovered from the initial shock, I asked the next most logical question – could it wait until August when I returned from my cycling trip to France?  My doctor looked at me like I had suddenly grown a second nose and said simply, “No.”

Thankfully, I was able to get a very quick surgery date two and a half weeks later, May 3rd.  My plan was to train as hard as I could the next 2 weeks so I’d be in top shape before surgery.  I started researching supplements that would help me with recovery after surgery.  I felt confident that I’d bounce back quickly and be ready for France.  My body had other ideas.

8 days before my surgery I developed a nasty respiratory infection.  I was suffering quite a bit when I showed up for my pre-op and was informed that my surgery would not occur if I was sick.  Thankfully my doctor gave me a prescription for a Z pack and sent me on my way.  The next week was awful – one of the worst infections I’ve had in a while.  I had no idea whether I’d be able to have the surgery, but I certainly couldn’t ride my bike.

I showed up the morning of surgery praying the anesthesiologist and my surgeon would be comfortable moving forward.  Thankfully they were, and then the anesthesiologist proceeded to describe how I would basically be upside down during the procedure.  All I could think of was how in the world  I would breathe with my head upside down and completely congested?  But the drugs kicked in soon enough and the next thing I remembered was waking up after surgery with a lot of pain.

I was able to go home the next morning armed with pain pills.   The flight of stairs leading into our house was tortuous.  Having my husband have to help me do everything (including get to the bathroom) was nothing short of humiliating.  Thankfully I only needed the narcotic pain pills for about 5 days, then I refused to take them any longer.  I don’t like the way they make me feel and the pain could be controlled by Ibuprofen.  The following Monday I went back to work.  My head was still pretty foggy, but everyone was very patient with me.

The biggest problem I continued to have after surgery was swelling in my stomach and lots of digestion issues.  It turns out the swelling wasn’t from my surgery, but from my bowels instead.   So my next challenge is figuring out what is wrong there.  I’ve had Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) since I was a teenager but had been managing it pretty well the last year.  I now have a G.I. specialist helping me, and I am scheduled for a colonoscopy June 17th to determine whether something more serious is going on.   Can’t wait for that pleasure.

The good news is yesterday I got the go ahead from my doctor to get back on my bike if I feel like it for  “short rides” on my bike.  Like 15 minute short rides.   So I spent 15 minutes this morning on the trainer.  Not fun, but better than nothing.  I’m definitely sore from it but ready to do more tomorrow, and hope to get outside on my bike over the weekend.

I’ll spend some time on future blogs chronicling my road back to fitness on the bike, and I’ll spend some time explaining what supplements I used to prepare for and recovery from surgery,  in the hope it will help others facing a similar situation.  I was able to travel 12 days after surgery for my stepdaughter’s college graduation, and I was able to teach a 3-day program for work 16 days after surgery.  My doctor thought I was crazy, but allowed me to do it.  I’m paying for it in soreness and fatigue, but nothing I can’t manage.

OK, I’ve stayed up later than I wanted (8:15 pm local time) but wanted to get this post done.  I’ve been thinking about it for a while now but was simply too tired to sit down and write it!  Until next time…

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